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5 Ways to Trust God in the Midst of Transition

During times of transition, it is so easy to worry about God’s plans for your life. Transitions come in many different forms:

In the midst of these transitions, the Devil likes to ensnare us in his tactics of anxiety, fear and control. He wants us to take our eyes off of Jesus and rely on our own strength and knowledge. He wants us to seek control over trusting in God

So you might be wondering, how do you trust God in the midst of transition?

Whatever the transition may be, God wants us to run full force towards him. 

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Bible Verses about Trusting God in Transition 

When everything is changing, it is good to turn to the Bible to remind ourselves that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). God always keeps his promises. 

These Bible verses will help you cling to God’s good in times of change and transition.  

Ecclesiastes 3:1: For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.

Deuteronomy 31:6: Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

Isaiah 43:19: Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

James 1:17: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Paul is our greatest role model for trusting God in the midst of transition. He went from blaspheming Christians to living a life for Christ.  He didn’t lean on his own understanding when he was called to change posts or transitioned into a life of missions. He counted it all joy knowing that the missionary work he was doing was for Jesus Christ. 

Trusting God in the Midst of Transition 

For me, it was the transition from being a full-time working mom to a full-time stay at home to two boys under two. I knew in my heart that this is what God was telling us to do for this season. But the uncertainty of finances and changing my lifestyle had me resisting the transition

I went from keeping deadlines and holding others accountable to playing wheels on the bus and toddler toys all day. My go-to efficiency approach was thrown into the air because with toddlers and babies there isn’t much to measure unless you count snacks and dirty diapers.

I realized that life is not defined by productivity or outcomes. It is meant for finding contentment and joy in any season, even the ones where you are forced to slow down. I could rely on God to give me patience, wisdom and grace to work faithfully in my new mission field at home. 

How to Trust God in the Midst of Transition

Whether it is moving to a new home, transitioning jobs, changes in relationships or the onset of an illness, it can all leave us feeling weary of what the future holds. 

It is true obedience to walk into the new season that God has called you into. In every season of transition, God remains faithful. 

Change is hard but also can be sanctifying. It can renew our soul and remind us of our utter dependence on God. Every new beginning is an opportunity to glorify God.

Choose God Daily

God isn’t only with us in the good stuff. He is in the messy areas of life too including transitions and changes. 

Faith is the beginning of trusting God in the midst of transition. Even if you can’t tangibly see God at work, He is always there. Although it might seem scary, He is working in your life to create plans that are for your good and His glory. So choose God daily. 

Read His Word

I have held tight to reading the Word every morning in the midst of my own life transitions. By reading the Bible, I have found verses that comfort and reassure me that:

God is near. 

God gives you what you need.

God holds you tightly and gives you the wisdom to carry on. 

During transition, you need to read God’s word and apply it to your current situation. It is active and living! 

Seek Godly Counsel

Before I made the life transition, I sought godly counsel to see if this was what was best for my family. I knew I couldn’t do it alone and needed help processing what I felt like God was calling us to do. Seeking outside counsel can help you through the stressors of life transitions. 

Surrender the Transition Completely

Surrender by definition means “give up control of something or to give something up to another.” In the midst of transition, you must surrender it completely to God. It means trusting God completely no matter the outcome because you know he is a God who provides and looks out for his children. 

Pray about Trusting God in Transition 

Prayer is key during times of transition. You need to run towards God in times of transition and seek his guidance and comfort. 

“Lord, I do not know what you have in store for me in the midst of this transition. To be honest, I am scared and anxious of what the future holds. Help me to cling tightly to you and hold fast to your Word. I know that I can trust you in the midst of transition because you are always faithful and fulfill your promises. Thank you for being there to comfort me in this changing season. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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